Product abbreviations: "W"

Abbreviation Definition
W Watt(s)
W/[space] With (e.g. W/ KYBD)
W/O[space] Without (e.g. W/O KYBD)
WAN Wide Area Network
WAV Wavetable
WB Wide Body
WCAR Wide Carriage
WCE Windows Consumer Electronics
WDSCSI Wide/Differential SCSI
WDSCSI2 Wide/Differential SCSI-2
WDSCSI3 Wide/Differential SCSI-3
WEBSVR Web Server
WFW Windows for Workgroups
WHT White
WHTBOX White Box
WIN Windows 3.x ONLY
WIN/MAC Windows 3.x/Macintosh
WIN/W95 Windows 3.x and Windows 95
WIN/W98 Windows 3.x and Windows 98
WIN/W9X Windows 3.x and Windows 95 and Windows 98
W95 Windows 95 ONLY
W95/DOS Windows 95/DOS
W95/MAC Windows 95 and Macintosh
W95/WFW Windows 95 and Windows For Workgroups
W95/NT Windows 95 and Windows NT
W98 Windows 98 ONLY
W98/DOS Windows 98/DOS
W98/MAC Windows 98 and Macintosh
W98/NT Windows 98 and Windows NT
W9X Windows 95 and Windows 98
W9X/DOS Windows 95/Windows 98/DOS
W9X/MAC Windows 95 Windows 98 and Macintosh
W9X/NT Windows 95/Windows 98/NT
WINACCEL Windows Accelerator
WKGP Workgroup
WLS Wireless
WM Wall Mount
WM/NT Wall Mount w/ No Telephone
WM/T Wall Mount w/ Telephone
WORM Write Once Read Many
WRAM Windows Random Access Memory
WRIST Wrist Rest (Pad)
WS Workstation
WTY Warranty

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y
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