Product abbreviations: "S"

Abbreviation Definition
S/L Single line
S/SVR Single Server
S/U Single user
S/W Software
SA Stand Alone
SAA Systems Application Architecture
SAN Storage Area Network
SAS Single Attach
SB Sound Blaster
SBS Small Business Server
SBUS Sun Microsystems Architecture
SBY Standby
SC Fiber SC
SC Sound card
SCANCONVRT Scan Converter
SCART French TV I/F Connector
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
SCHED Schedule
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control
SGRAM Synchronous Graphics RAM
SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic RAM
SEC Security
SECAM French Color TV Standard
SEG Segment
SER Serial
SGI Silicon Graphics Incorporated
SGRAM Synchronous Graphics RAM
SHIELD Shielded
SHOSP Shooting Speed
SHTFDR Sheet Feeder
SHTFED Sheetfed
SHTFEDSCAN Sheetfed Scanner
SHTSP Shutter Speed
SHUTMXPR Shuttle Matrix Printer
SIMM Single In-Line Memory Module
SIMPXSCAN Simplex Scanner
SL Slim Line Desktop
SLIDESCAN Slide Scanner
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
SLR Single-Channel Linear Recording
SLV Slave
SM Side Mount
SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service
SMF Single-mode Fiber
SMP Symmetrical Multi-Processor
SNB Sub-Notebook
SND Sound
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SODIMM Small Outline Dual In-Line Memory Module
SOJ Small Outline J-Lead
SOL Solaris
SP Spanish
SPK Speaker
SPKPH Speakerphone
SRS Surround Sound
SS Single-Sided
SSD Solid State Drive
ST Fiber ST or Self Timer
STat Statistical
STD Standard or Standard Edition
STDTD Standard Tape Drive (Tape Drive and Cables)
STE Suite
STILLCAM Still Camera
STILLVID Still Video
STK Stackable
STKR Stacker
STOR Storage
STP Shielded Twisted Pair
STSVR Storage Server
STSUB Storage Subsystem
SUB Subscription
SUBSYS Subsystem
SUM Summing
SUN Sun Microsystems
SUP Support
SURPRO Surge Protector
SURGE Surge Suppresser
SVC Switched Virtual Circuit
SVCAGR Service Agreement
SVGA Super Video Graphics Array
SVR Server
SW Swedish
SW56 Switched 56
SW56\2W Switched 56 2 Wire
SW56\4W Switched 56 4 Wire
SWBX Switch Box
SWCH Switch
SWCH CARD Switch Card
SWCHD Switched
SYNC Synchronous
SYS System

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y
  Miscellaneous and Number Abbreviations

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