Product abbreviations: "L"

Abbreviation Definition
L2 Layer 2
L3 Layer 3
L4 Layer 4
LA Latin America
LAM Lobe Attachment Module
LAN Local Area Network
LASERPR Laser Printer
LBL Labels
LBLPR Label Printer
LC Macintosh LC
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LD Load
LDG Ledger
LED Light Emitting Diode
LGL Legal
LGLPAP Legal-size (8.5"x14") paper
LGLTRY Legal Tray
LH Left-Handed
LIC License
LIFE Lifetime
LINE/IN Line-in
LINECOND Line Conditioner
LINEINT Line-Interactive
LINEPR Line Printer
Lithium Ion
LL Leased Line
LLA Leased Line Analog
LLD Leased Line Digital
LOC Local
LP Low-Profile
LPI Lines Per Inch
LPM Lines Per Minute
LPX LPX Size Motherboard
LQ Letter Quality
LTALK LocalTalk (Apple)
LTHR Leather
LTR Letter
LTRPAP Letter-Size Paper (8.5"x11")
LTRTRAY Letter-Size Tray (8.5"x11")
LVD Low Voltage Differential

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y
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