Product abbreviations: "C"

Abbreviation Definition
c/p upg Competitive/Product Upgrade
C/T Competitive Trade Up
C/S Client/Server
C/U Competitive Upgrade
C/V/P UPG Competitive/Version/Product Upgrade
C/V UPG Competitive/Version Upgrade
C Centronics
CA Catalan
CAB Cabinet
CAL Client Access License
CAM Camera
CAM Controlled Attachment Module
CAN Canadian
cap Capacity
CART Cartridge
CASS Cassette
CAU Controlled Access Unit
CB Circuit Breaker
CBT Computer Based Training
CBUS CardBus
CCASE Carrying Case
CCD Charge Coupled Device
CDDA CD-ROM Digital Audio
CDDI Copper Distributed Data Interface
CDDUP CD-ROM Duplicator
CDI CD-ROM Interactive Media
CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data
CDR CD-ROM Recordable
CDR JBOX CD-ROM Recordable Jukebox
CDRW CD-ROM Rewritable
CDSCAN Card Scanner
CDSUB CD-ROM Subsystem
CDXA CD-ROM Extended Architecture
CELL Cellular
CERT Certificate
Ch Channel
CH Chinese
CHAS Chassis
CHAS CARD Chassis Card
CHBNK Channel Bank
CHRG Charger
CID Caller Identification
CLEAN Cleaning
CLIB C-Library
CLNKIT Cleaning Kit
CLP Corel License Pack
CLSRM Classroom
CLT Client
CMYK Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black
CNTRL Control
CNVRSN Conversion
CNVS Canvas
CNVTBL Convertible
CO Crossover or Central Office
COATPAP Coated Paper
COAX Coaxial
COL Color
COLMON Color Monitor
COLSCAN Color Scanner
COMBO Combination
ComEd Commerce Edition
Comm Communications
COMMSVR Communications Server
COMP Components
COMPRS Compression
CONC Concentrator
CONCUR Concurrent (as in users)
CONC MOD Concentrator Module
CONFIG Configuration
CONN Connector
CONS Console
CONVRT Converter
CORD Corded
CORD/C Corded w/ Coax
CORD/NT Corded w/ No Telephone
CORD/T Corded w/ Telephone
COS Class of Service
CPI Character per Inch
cps Characters per Second
CPU Central Processing Unit or Processor
CSTN Color Super Twist Nematic
CSU Channel Service Unit
CTI Computer Telephone Integration
CTRL Controller
CURS Cursor
CUT Control Unit Terminal, supports single-session operations
CZ Czech

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y
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