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Financing Options

Open Account
Sight Draft Letter of Credit
Standby Letter of Credit

Need credit to expand? Tech Data's team of credit professionals will work with you to tailor a program that precisely fits your business. You'll get the credit you need plus programs and services carefully designed to help your business prosper.

Qualified resellers can access the myriad of financing options that are available through Tech Data's Credit Services. By utilizing these options, resellers can maximize sales by taking advantage of every possible revenue opportunity.

Open Account

Tech Data offers both net 20-day and net 30-day terms (both are subject to approval).

Sight Draft Letter of Credit

A Sight Draft Letter of Credit is a standard secured financing tool used throughout the industry and represents a transfer of payment responsibility from the customer (reseller) to the bank issuing the Sight Draft Letter of Credit. The amount of the transaction does not reduce the amount available under the customer's (reseller's) credit line with Tech Data Corporation, thus freeing up purchasing power for the customer.

Standby Letter of Credit

It follows the same process as the Sight Draft Letter of Credit. However, drawing against a Standby Letter of Credit occurs only in the event of default by the reseller. You'll find more information and a sample form in Standby Letters of Credit.

If you have any questions, please contact

 Credit and Tax Information
 Payment Methods