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How to Contact Tech Data

Tech Data is a multinational corporation serving customers worldwide. The following list provides contact information for exporters and resellers in Latin America and the Caribbean. Domestic customers, please contact our Corporate Office.

Tech Data Latin America and Caribbean Division
(Also known as Tech Data FOB Latin America)
2200 NW 112th Avenue
Miami, Fl. 33172
Telephone: (305) 593-5000
Fax: (305) 599-8488


Electronic Commerce Support: EC Feedback

New Accounts:
Tel.: (305) 718-3209, (800) 436-5373 Option 1
Fax: (305) 718-3004

Bulletin Board:
(727) 538-7090

Technical Support:
Tel.: (727) 532-6025
Fax: (727) 532-6024

Customer Service, Logistics and Returns:
Tel.:(727) 532-8090, 800-436-5373 Option 2
Fax: (305) 718-3115

Credit Services:
Tel.:(727) 539-7429 Option 3, 800-237-8931 Option 3
Fax: (305) 718-3116

Carl Stewart
Director of Sales for the LA/C region
305-718-3216 Phone
305-718-3113 Fax

Tel.: (305)-599-4799
Fax: (305)-599-4798


  • New Accounts Latin America/Caribbean/International (outside U.S.):
         (305) 718-3160
  • New Accounts Puerto Rico and US-based Exporters:
         (800) 237-8931 ext. 78196

    South America:
    Tel.: (305) 718-3200
    Fax: (305) 718-3127
    Toll-free number for Chile: 123 00 20 26

    Tel.: (305) 718-3100
    Fax: (305) 718-3122

    Caribbean (Aruba, Netherland Antilles, Curacao, República Dominicana, Bermuda):
    Tel.: (305) 718-3000
    Fax: (305) 718-3126

    Caribbean/International (Europe, Asia, Africa):
    Tel.: (305) 718-3000
    Fax: (305) 718-3126

    Central America (Costa Rica, Panamá, Honduras, Nicaragua):
    Tel.: (305) 718-3030
    Fax: (305) 470-6294

    Mexico and Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize):
    Tel.: (305) 718-3029
    Fax: (305) 718-3032
    Toll-free number for México: 011 (800) 010-5078

    Puerto Rico and U.S. Exporters
    Sales: (800) 436-5347
    Fax: (727) 571-9318
    Technical Support: (800) 237-8931 x 66025 or (727) 532-6025
    Customer Service: (800) 237-8931 x 82207 or (727) 539-7429 x 82207
    Credit Services: (800) 553-7921 ext. 71755 (English) or 71758 (Spanish)
    Fax: (727) 538-7087

    Tech Data's Corporate Office

    If you are a reseller in the United States, please contact our Corporate Office:

    Tech Data Corporation
    5350 Tech Data Drive
    Clearwater, FL 33760
    Telephone: (727) 539-7429
    Sales: (800) 237-8931
    Customer Service: (800) 553-7976

    If you wish to purchase products directly, please contact your sales representative.

  •  Who We Are
     Tech Data History
     Business Values
     Executive Officers
     Our Vendors