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D-Link Products - Tech Data Corporation



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D-Link® offers a variety  of switches and features to fit the most sophisticated network needs to the home users.

Unmanaged Switches

D-Link unmanaged Switches are perfect for data applications where no management is needed.

Smart Switches

D-Link Smart Switches are an excellent choice for small to medium businesses that need to manage their switches for data or voice applications but don't require the SNMP management or redundancy.

Managed Layer 2 Switches  D-Link managed switches are ideal for businesses that need support for voice video and data applications. Plus need the full control management though the use of SNMP, CLI or Web browser.  These switches also provide advanced Quantity of Service, Security and redundancy.
Layer 3 Switches D-Link's Switch offering includes Layer 3 switches for enterprises when multiple dynamic routing devices are present on the network or there is a need for management through SMNP or CLI. Theses switches provide  Advanced QoS, Routing, and  Security features such ash  diffserv, VRRP and Dos protection.

Click here to see available Service options


Become Eco-Friendly!  Look for D-Link® Green Ethernet Switches:

D-Link® green ethernet products provide 3 key benefits to end users through its cutting edge innovative eco-friendly technology
Reduces power consumption & creates less heat
Extends product life
Reduces Operating Costs

Learn more...




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