Product abbreviations: "A"

Abbreviation Definition
AS Anti-Static
A3 A3 (11.7"x16.5") Paper
A4 A4 (8.3"x11.7") Paper
A5 A5 (5.8"x8.3") Paper
AA Active Area (e.g. digitizers, scanners, etc.)
AAUI Apple Attachment Unit Interface
AC Alternating Current
ACCDEV Access Device
ACCEL Accelerator
ACCSVR Access Server
ACCY Accessory
ACD Automatic Call Distribution
ACPL Advanced Config. And Power Line
ACS Asynchronous Communication Server; also Access Control Store
ACT Active-Matrix Color
ADB Apple Desktop Bus
ADD Additional
ADF Automatic Document Feeder
ADJ Adjustable
ADK Application Development Kit
ADMIN Administration / Administrator
ADO ActiveX Data Objects
ADPT Adapter
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
ADV Advanced
AE Academic Edition
AE Education Edition
AE Scholar Edition
AF African
AG Aperture Grille
AGP Accelerated Graphics Port
AGP2X Accelerated Graphics Port 2X
AGP4X Accelerated Graphics Port 4X
AI Adaptive Interface; also, Artificial Intelligence
ALM Application Loadable Module
ALOG Analog
ALPHA Alpha Class Processor
AMP Ampere
AMPL Amplified
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API Application Program Interface; also Application Programming Interface
APM Advanced Power Management; also Additional Packet Mode
app Application
APPSVR Application Server
APT Application Programmer's Toolkit
APTALK AppleTalk
AR Arabic
ARAS Apple Remote Access Service
AS/400 Application System 400
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Chip
ASUBSYS Array Subsystem
async Asynchronous
AT Advanced Technology; Hayes Command Set
AT Full Size Motherboard
ATA AT Attachment
ATAPI AT Attachment Packet Interface
ATA-2 Same as EIDE, Fast ATA, 13.3MBps
ATA-3 Minor Revision To ATA-2
ATA-4 Also: ATA-33, DMA-33, Ultra ATA, Ultra DMA, UDMA
ATA/66 16.6MBps Throughput
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATX ATX Size Motherboard
AUD/IN Audio-In
AUI Attachment Unit Interface
auto Automatic
AUTONEG Auto-Negotiation
autoCH Autochanger
autolD Auto Load
autolDR Autoloader
AUTOSEN Auto-Sensing
AUX In DOS, an Auxiliary Port
AV Anti-Virus

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y
  Miscellaneous and Number Abbreviations

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