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Technical Expertise

Our integration technicians work in a cell-based laboratory environment that not only maximizes your gain from economies of scale, but also preserves the flexibility to handle one-of-a-kind custom orders. Through training and certifications, they are factory authorized to perform upgrades and modifications for various equipment vendors.

Customer Engineering technicians manage your projects by:

  • Process and software engineering
  • Process and control change management
  • Image and script maintenance and control
  • Customer WAN connectivity
  • Initial project approval
Tech Data's team of vendor-certified system engineers and technicians draw on many years of training and experience. Our outstanding multi-vendor technical expertise includes major industry standard certifications including but not limited to: 3Com, Brocade, Checkpoint, Cisco, Comptia, EMC, HP/Compaq, IBM, Intel, Linux, Microsoft, Nortel, Novell, Q-Logic, SCO, Sun, SUSE, UNIX and many more.


 Integration Services
 Integration Service Fees
 Integration Center
 Technical Expertise
 Warranty, Returns
 Customer Testimonials