- Legal

Does your office track the copies and prints made on behalf of wealthy retainer or corporate clients? Are you a contingency lawyer who doesn’t get paid unless your client wins or settles? Do you make multiple sets of depositions for distribution to all interested parties in a lawsuit? In any case, you have a vested interest in keeping costs to a minimum without sacrificing the image quality required to attract and keep clients. Producing legal briefs and court documents is only half the battle – the output side. Often, the initiation of any legal action is accompanied by an avalanche of evidentiary materials that must be organized and examined by staff to determine viability and relativity to the issue at hand. There are disclosure issues that must be balanced against attorney-client privilege rights, so security is always a concern.
Ricoh understands these issues and offers a scalable product line with the image quality, document management, and security features you need to deliver outstanding service to every client – with the lowest possible total cost of ownership so you can maximize your firms profitability under any business model.

- Health Care
Health Care

Managing the stack of paper generated by a single patient’s visit to a physician’s office, medical lab, or hospital is one headache; maintaining the privacy of every patient’s records in the wake of HIPAA compliance (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) is another. Now multiply that by the number of beds in a hospital, or the volume of patients that pass through a clinic or doctor’s office each day and you begin to get a sense of the mountain of paperwork generated by the healthcare industry.
Whether the application is patient admissions or billing, documenting case histories for insurance authorization, printing doctor’s orders and prescriptions, after-care pamphlets, or daily hospital menus, fast high quality output is critical. As medical technology advances, healthcare providers increasingly rely on their information infrastructure for timely patient diagnosis and communication with other specialists, pharmacies, and insurance companies. And all of this must be accomplished without violating patient privacy rules. Ricoh understands these issues and has infused its product line with the security, reliability, and image quality you need to efficiently handle every patient’s needs.

- Higher Education
Higher Education

Places of higher education face unique challenges when implementing technology for faculty, administrative staff, and students. The selected solutions must balance the need for the latest technologies to attract students against cost to ensure enrollment remains affordable.
Issues are further complicated by the diverse nature of the population and computer types in use – UNIX/Linux-based systems running the school’s mainframe applications, Windows-based desktop PCs are used by administrative personnel and faculty, not to mention the thousands of student laptops running various versions of Macintosh and Windows operating systems and printer drivers – and they all expect equal, reliable access to network printers for the production of their course syllabuses, exams, handouts, reports, copies of professor notes, classroom presentations and more. Larger schools with multiple campuses and a more mobile student body require consistent performance and operability to minimize user learning curves and support issues. Ricoh understands these issues and has infused its product line with the reliability, affordability, and versatility colleges and universities need to provide productive printing solutions across the entire campus.

- Primary Education
Primary Education

Equipping America's schools with the proper technology is critical to our
children becoming productive members of society. Yet delivering on this promise presents unique challenges to educators. Class sizes are expanding even as budgets shrink. Building new schools is a costly, long-term process while modernizing existing ones can be equally difficult. Global media and information networks bring new data into the classroom every day, quickly out dating materials. The use of both Windows® and Macintosh® computers in school environments complicates matters further. Coordinating service and supplies of Ricoh solutions:
- Low total cost of ownership with aggressive hardware pricing plus
rock-bottom per-page costs to make full-color and monochrome printing affordable for all.
- Several Ricoh printers provide access to full finishing, including hole punching and saddle stitch stapling, perfect for classroom handouts, article reprints, exam booklets, school play scripts, team playbooks, and more.
- Genuine Adobe® PostScript® 3™ Standard printing on all color laser printers for Macintosh and mixed network support in the classroom and computer lab.
- n Optional 802.11b Wireless LAN functionality overcomes hard wiring issues in schools with concrete block construction or those using portable classrooms.
- User authentication, security, and cost management tools restrict
color printing to minimize abuse, track system use, and keep confidential student profile data secure.
- Maximize printer technology ROI by placing productive full-color
scanning and document distribution at the point of need to capture student enrollment, birth certificate, medical history, and proof of
residency documents.
- PictBridge™ direct digital camera connectivity makes it easy to
bring images from field trips,
