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Arbor Networks @ Tech Data

Detect and Block Emerging Application-Layer DDoS Attacks

Arbor Networks, Inc. is a leading provider of network security and management solutions for enterprise data center and carrier networks. Arbor's solutions help grow and protect networks, businesses and brands. Arbor's relationships with worldwide service providers and global network operators provide perspective on Internet security and traffic trends via ATLAS—a unique collaborative effort with 100+ network operators sharing real-time security, traffic and routing information that informs numerous business decisions.


Pravail APS focuses on securing enterprises from threats against availability, specifically protection against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It is the only product exclusively focused on keeping services available and stopping attacks that intentionally render critical services not accessible. For more information, call your Tech Data Sales team at 800-237-8931.


News & Events

The Arbor Networks Seventh Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report Arbor Networks Seventh Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report revealed "hacktivism" is the single most readily identified motivation behind DDoS attacks. Financial motivations were among the top drivers behind attacks, either for competitive reasons or outright extortion. Read More
