What is RSS?
RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is one of the newest information technology formats being used today by news and data Web sites to distribute updated content quickly and regularly. It is an XML-based format that provides a convenient way for users to keep up with the latest headlines from their favorite sites without having to visit each one of them to see what's new. You will usually find an RSS logo on sites that offer RSS Web feeds.
RSS makes it possible to keep up with many different sources of news and information. RSS Readers provide a simple way to consolidate content as well as to notify when changes have been made.
RSS Readers are often available for download free of charge. By clicking on the links below, you may view our "raw" RSS feeds. In order to add an RSS feed to your reader, you will need to enter the URL (in parenthesis) into the RSS Reader of your choice.
If you are interested in dowloading an RSS reader, search for "RSS Reader" in your favorite web search tool.
RSS @ Tech Data
| Webinar Central (http://www.techdata.com/reseller/secure/webconference/rss.xml) |
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