The Shopping Cart screen enables you to list and price products for an order. Extended and total prices are calculated automatically and displayed in the appropriate currency for U.S. and Canadian customers. When the Shopping Cart is complete, you can print it, export it as a comma-delimited data file, send it as a fax, create a quote, or order the products online.
Element |
Explanation |
Part number input box |
Enter the valid part number of the product you want to add. |
TD Part # |
Shows the TD part number. If moused over, this becomes a link which will display the product detail screen if clicked. |
Mfr # |
Shows the manufacturer part number. |
Shows the Universal Product Code. |
Promo |
If there is a promotion currently associated with the product, the promotion information appears in a table below the item with a lightbulb icon to indicate the promotion information follows. |
Details |
At the end of the description is a "details" link. Clicking this link will display product detail screen which contains additional information about the product. |
Warehouse selection box |
Shows available product in each warehouse. |
Ship Via selection box |
Shows valid shipping methods for each warehouse. |
Qty input box |
You can adjust your quantity here. You must tab out of this field to update the extended and total costs. |
Delete button for each product. Click this button to remove the only this product from the shopping cart. |
(Status) |
The inventory status is shown between parenthesis () for each product. |
Adds item to Favorites folder. |
Price |
Contains the unit price for each product. |
Ext Price |
Contains the extended price for each product (cost multiplied by quantity). |
Total |
Contains the total cost of all items on the worksheet. |
Button/Link |
Explanation |
Add Items |
After entering a valid part number in the input box, click this button to add the item to your Shopping Cart. |
Check Out |
After you've added items to your shopping cart, adjusted your quantities, and picked your warehouse and shipping method, click this button to proceed to Check Out. |
Empty Cart |
Click the Empty Cart button to remove all products from the Shopping Cart. |
Click the print image icon to print a list of products and prices that appear in the Shopping Cart. |
Click the disk icon to save the Shopping Cart to a comma delimited text file. |
Fax |
Click the Fax button to export shopping cart information into a fax worksheet. |
Create Quote |
Click the Create Quote button to display the Quote screen. |