Field |
Explanation |
CC Type |
The types of credit cards we currently accept online. |
CC Number |
Your fifteen or sixteen digit credit card account number. This field is required. |
Expiration Date |
The month and year your credit card expires (format: mm/yyyy). This field is required. |
CC Name |
Name as it appears on your credit card. This field is required. |
Phone Number
| Phone number, including area code, in which the card holder can be reached. |
| Phone extension for card holder. |
CC Verif. # |
Security verification number, typically 3 or 4 digits in length, that can be found on the back of most cards. This field may be required for your card type. |
Customer Code
| When placing an order using a Purchase Card, the cardholder/purchaser can provide a point of sale (POS) code. For Level 2 and Level 3 Purchase Card transactions, this code will be passed to the card processor during settlement,
then to the issuing bank and then finally back to the purchaser. This code can be an expense account number, cost center code, project code, or other accounting information specific to an individual purchase. |
Save Credit Card Info |
Check this box if you would like to have the new card information saved to your account for future use. |
Billing Address Same as Sold To |
Check this box if your billing address for the credit card entered is the same as your sold to address on your Tech Data account. |
Country |
Country in which you reside. |
Zip |
Zip code in which you reside. |
Address |
Your street address. The first line is required. |
City/State |
City and State in which you reside. This field is required. |
Clear Card Info button |
Clears credit card information from screen. |