Check Out screen

The Check Out screen is composed of two main sections through which purchase order and shipping information is collected. These sections are:

Warning: The Tech Data servers shut down each night at regular posted times. If you are using Order Entry within 30 minutes of the time that the servers shut down, Order Entry displays a message alerting you to the amount of time remaining before the servers shut down. If the server shuts down while you are creating an order, you will lose the information. The program displays the reminder message every 10 minutes during the 30 minutes before the servers shut down.

Shipping Information

The Shipping Information section collects information about the destination of an order. Following are explanations for each field in this section.

Field Explanation
Ship To All ship-to addresses that you create are available through the drop-down list. If you want to drop ship an order, select that option from the drop-down list; then type the address in the appropriate fields. For customers with no terms or COD terms, the Drop-ship option is unavailable.
Country Select the country to which you are shipping the order.
Zip/Postal Code Type the ZIP code to which you are shipping the order.
Name Type the name of the company to which you are shipping the order.
Address Type the street address to which you are shipping the order. You can include suite numbers or apartment numbers in the additional address lines.
City Type the city to which you are shipping the order.
State/Province Type the two letter postal abbreviation for the state to which you are shipping the order.
Ship Date This field reflects the date you want the order shipped. The field defaults to the current date, but you can adjust it to the date you want. This is a required field.
FedEx# If you are using Federal Express to ship your order, type your Federal Express account number in this field.

Customer Information

The Customer Information section collects purchase order information. When you submit a purchase order, you are actually placing that order with Tech Data. Before placing an order, ensure all the information on the order is correct. Once you submit an order, you cannot manually change the information it contains. To modify the information on a submitted purchase order, contact your sales representative. Following are explanations for each field in this section.

Field Explanation
P.O. # Type your company's purchase order number in this box.
End User P.O.# Type the End User's (your customer's) purchase order number in this box. If the order is for Blind Label delivery, Tech Data prints this number (instead of your PO#) on the packing slip. This entry is optional.
Contact The name of your company's contact person for the order.
Payment Option You can choose to use your default Terms, or Floorplan account or Credit Card account if you have any.
Floorplan If you want to order against your floor-plan account, select your floor-plan reference number from the drop-down list. (This option is available only if you have established floor-plan terms with Tech Data.)
Credit Card If you've elected to use a credit card this list will contain your credit card accounts instead of your floorplans. (This option is available only if you have established yourself as an approved credit card user with Tech Data.)
Terms This refers to the credit terms established through your account. (If you selected a floor-plan account, the program displays the terms of the floor plan in this field.)
Blind Packaging Select this option if you want to drop-ship directly to your customer. When you select this option, all information associated with Tech Data is removed from the packing slip.
Ship Complete Select this option if you want the order held until all products ordered are in stock. This may cause the entire order to be put on hold until a backordered item is filled. Please note that selecting Ship Complete does not mean your order will arrive at the same time if you have placed the order out of multiple warehouses. Since the points of origin will vary, as can the shipping methods, multiple shipments for the same order could arrive on different days.
Button Explanation
Submit Order Click Submit Order to transmit your order to Tech Data for processing.
Save Order Click Save Order to save your order without submitting it to Tech Data for processing. Orders are saved on the host for five days before purging.
Print Order Click Print Order to print a copy of your purchase order.
Cancel P.O. Click Cancel P.O. to cancel the purchase order.

Email Information

The My OrderTracker section collects email information. When you submit a purchase order, have the option of having one or more emails sent to your or other email addresses you designate to keep track of your order.

Field Explanation
Order Notification via Email (link) This link will bring you to a page where you can configure your email options.
Your Email Type your email address in this box.
Email Checkboxes The email confirmations you wish to receive.
Customer's Email Type your customer's email address in this box.
Customer's Email Checkboxes The email confirmations you wish your customer to receive.

There are two additional sections that may or may not apply to your order depending on what type of payment you will be using and/or whether you are ordering using government pricing. These sections are:


End User Information

Field Explanation
Agency The name of the Government agency you're buying on behalf of.
State The state in which the Government agency resides.
Name Your name.
Agency The zip code in which the Government agency resides.

Credit Card Information

Field Explanation
CC Type The types of credit cards we currently accept online.
CC Number Your fifteen or sixteen digit credit card account number. This field is required.
Expiration Date The month and year your credit card expires (format: mm/yyyy). This field is required.
CC Name Name as it appears on your credit card. This field is required.
Phone Number Phone number, including area code, in which the card holder can be reached.
Extension Phone extension for card holder.
CC Verif. # Security verification number, typically 3 or 4 digits in length, that can be found on the back of most cards. This field may be required for your card type.
Customer Code When placing an order using a Purchase Card, the cardholder/purchaser can provide a point of sale (POS) code. For Level 2 and Level 3 Purchase Card transactions, this code will be passed to the card processor during settlement, then to the issuing bank and then finally back to the purchaser. This code can be an expense account number, cost center code, project code, or other accounting information specific to an individual purchase.
Save Credit
Card Info
Check this box if you would like to have the new card information saved to your account for future use.
Billing Address
Same as
Sold To
Check this box if your billing address for the credit card entered is the same as your sold to address on your Tech Data account.
Country Country in which you reside.
Zip Zip code in which you reside.
Address Your street address. The first line is required.
City/State City and State in which you reside. This field is required.
Clear Card Info button Clears credit card information from screen.
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