The Invoice Detail screen is divided into three sections. The top section displays invoice information like the quote number, terms, floorplan number and invoice number. The middle section displays shipping information like invoice totals and balances. The bottom section displays product information like part number, description, ship date, and cost.
Field |
Explanation |
Invoice # |
The invoice number assigned by Tech Data. |
Note: When you submit a purchase order, Tech Data assigns one master order number. The purchase order is then analyzed and, if necessary, the line items split into partial orders based on ship-via and backorder status. Each partial order receives a different invoice number, so it's possible to have more than one invoice number per order number. |
Invoice Date |
The date the order was invoiced. |
Invoice Due Date |
The date the invoice should be paid by. |
Contact |
The name of the contact person that you entered when submitting the order. |
Order # |
The order number assigned by Tech Data as a hyperlink to the Order Detail screen. |
Quote # |
The number generated by Tech Data to identify a quote for the order. If no quote exists for this order, this field contains zeros or is blank. |
PO # |
The purchase order number that you entered when submitting the order. |
Shipping Details |
The word View in this column is a hyperlink to the Ship Detail screen for the indicated invoice. |
Floorplan |
The floorplan reference number associated with this order. |
Terms |
The credit terms of your account. |
Field |
Explanation |
Ship to |
The address, city, state, ZIP or Postal Code where the order was or is being delivered. |
Tech Data Canada: Canada customers have a Province field and Postal Code field as part of their Ship To addresses. The Postal Code field accepts alpha-numeric characters.
Handling Chg |
The handling fees associated with the order, if any. |
COD tags |
The amount due on delivery, if any. |
Net Freight |
The net freight charge including insurance. |
Tax |
Any tax applied to the order (normally zero for U.S. resellers). |
Tech Data Canada: The Tax field is displayed at the bottom of the Order Detail screen and displays the regional tax associated with your order.
Promo Allow |
The amount of money in promotional offers the vendor is allowed to accept. |
Transaction Fee |
Fee associated with processing the order. |
Tot Inv. Amount |
The total amount of the invoiced order. |
Payment |
The amount of any payment made on the invoice. If the order was submitted using a floorplan account, N/A (not applicable) is displayed. |
Invoice Balance |
The amount that remains to be paid on the invoice. If the order was submitted using a floorplan account, N/A (not applicable) is displayed. |
Currency |
The reseller's currency (U.S. or Canada). |
Note: The currency for all Latin American and Caribbean resellers is U.S. dollars. |
Field |
Explanation |
Description |
A short description of the product as a hyperlink to the Product Detail screen. |
Part # |
The Tech Data part number(s) for product(s) listed on the invoice. |
Qty Ord. |
The quantity of each product ordered. |
Qty Shp. |
The quantity of each product shipped. |
Qty Rtn. |
The quantity of each product returned. |
Ship Date |
The date (MM/DD/YY format) the product was shipped from the warehouse. |
Ship Via |
The method selected for shipping the product. |
Unit Cost |
Your cost for each unit of the product. |
Extended Cost |
The Unit Cost multiplied by the quantity ordered. |
Warehouse |
The warehouse from which the product was or will be shipped. |
Total Extended |
The total cost for all items on the invoice. |