Keyword Search instructions
The Keyword Search procedure is simple, but requires close attention to detail:
In the search field on the top of the left navigation side bar of all secure screens, enter a part number or any descriptive text associated with a product. You must enter a minimum of three characters.
If you enter descriptive text, the search matches your entry with language that appears in the product description field on the search results screen. Boolean ("and/or") logic is used which means if you input more than one word it will search for all of the words together or any of the words individually. Your search results will display with the most relevant matching items first and less relevant following.
If you wish to enter a partial word you must check the 'Search for partials' checkbox. This will peform a "wildcard" search and will search our entire catalog for words beginning with those letters. You must enter a minimum of three characters.
. The search process compares the entered value against listings of manufacturers' part numbers, Tech Data part numbers, product description text, vendor, model, or series of a product. Any matches found are displayed on the Search Results screen.
If you misspell a word that cannot be exactly matched to anything in our catalog, the failed search page will be displayed with "Did you mean" suggestions if any are available that closely match your word. You can then click on that word and search results will be displayed for product descriptions containing that word.
If you misspell a word that can be matched to other words in our catalog, the search results page will display with descriptions containing the text entered and the "Did you mean" suggestions, if any are available that closely match your word, will be displayed above the search results. You can then click on that word and search results will be displayed for product descriptions containing that word.
Note: In either misspelling case, a maximum of three "Did you mean" suggestions will be made.
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