Anywhere Search

Anywhere Search enables you to search the Tech Data catalog for products related to text you select on any web site. For example, you could read about a new product in an online trade journal, select some descriptive text or a part number in the article, and immediately search Tech Data's catalog for that product. This function requires some additional setup, however.

Note: The Anywhere Search does not work on browsers other than Microsoft® Internet Explorer.

If you have already done the necessary setup, you can perform a Quick Search from any web site by following these steps:

  1. Select any text or part number you want to search for by dragging your mouse across it. The selected text appears highlighted.
  2. Right-click the selected text. A floating menu appears.
  3. From the floating menu, select Tech Data - Search. The results of your search appear on the Search Results page (of the Tech Data site) in a new browser window.
Tip: The Anywhere Search works equally well "internally" on the Tech Data site.

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