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Electronic Commerce Tools Overview

Tech Data is committed to helping you work smarter and faster by providing you with tools to maximize your efficiency and productivity. We offer several tools designed to streamline the way you do business, including:

Electronic Catalog

Ordering (E-Form)

Order Inquiry

Interactive Forms

Datasheet Search

EC Administrator

Electronic Catalog

Tech Data's Electronic Catalog allows you to do product research at your convenience. With hours from 4:30 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. on weekdays, from 6:00 a.m. to midnight on Saturday, and from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, you can get your column level pricing, Tech Specs, manufacturer spec sheets (in a PDF format), real time availability, promotions and online order entry (E-Form) for Tech Data's 75,000+ product offerings.

Search the Electronic Catalog for product

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Online Order Entry (E-Form)

Now you can place orders directly via the Web! Simply use our Electronic Catalog to source your product(s), complete a few simple screens and submit your order using the E-Form!

Place an order with the E-Form

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Order Inquiry

Use our order inquiry tool to find out when your order was shipped, get detailed information directly from the carrier and generate detailed reports for yourself and your customers. It can help you plan your workflow and give your customers a 'head's up' on incoming product.

Check the status of an order

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Interactive Forms

We currently have interactive forms for:

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Datasheet Search

We currently have datasheets and brochures for over 10,000 SKUs. Datasheets can assist you — and sometimes your customer — in making an informed purchasing decision and can reduce the likelihood that you'll need to return the product. You can search our database to see if we have a brochure for the product you're researching and download it in PDF format.

Search for a datasheet

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EC Administrator

If you are the Master User for your company's account, you can add and delete users as well as allow or withhold each user's right to place orders on the account. You must be a Master User to make these changes.

More about using EC Admin


 Door-to-Door Delivery
 Education and Training
 LA/C Reseller Programs
 Technical Services
 Warranty Program