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Tech Data�s EC Admin tool enables you to update user access information online. You will register a Main Administrator, who in turn will create as many Admin Users, Account Users or View-Only Users as needed for your e-business account.
Both the Main Administrator and all Admin Users can manage account-level information.
If you are the Main Administrator or an Admin User for your company's e-business account, you can add, modify and delete users as well as allow or withhold each user's right to place orders for merchandise on the account.
If your company does not have an eCommerce account with Tech Data, submit a User Agreement to get one. You will receive your Main Administrator ID by e-mail in three to five business days.
If your company has an electronic commerce account with Tech Data, the contact name that you have registered in our "Tech Data Electronic Commerce User Agreement and License" is the designated Main Administrator for your account.
If at any time it becomes necessary for your company to change the registered
Main Administrator of your account please follow these instructions:
Fax a memo on your business letterhead stationery directing us to make the
change. Fax the memo to eCommerce Support at (727) 538-5823.
Next have the person who is about to be registered as the Main Administrator
complete the
"Tech Data Electronic Commerce User Agreement and License."
The EC Admin tool is composed of five screens or tabs: EC Admin Home, Account Profile, Personal Profile, User Administration, and Password. These are the tabs that appear on the horizontal bar across the screen. There is also a Help button that links to comprehensive information and instructions on how to use the tool.
Each one of the screens above houses one or more views, indicated by the links that appear on the left sidebar menu. The views listed above the double line are specific to the EC Admin tool, while the views listed below the double line (Home, Product Search, Online Ordering and Order Inquiry) are links to other EC tools within Tech Data's web site.
The EC Admin views, in turn, consist of different sections known as "applets". There are two types of applets: the "form applets", which look like a typical database form with labels and fields, and the "list applets", which display records.
The screens of EC Admin
Below is a detailed description of each screen:
The Main Administrator and Admin Users can add, delete, or modify contact information, as well as specify a user's website access permissions such as the ability to place an order for merchandise.
Tech Data's website tools are available seven days per week, with brief late-evening interruptions for data maintenance. The schedule changes occasionally as we try new ways to minimize our down-time, but the exact hours of operation are always posted in advance.
Note: For additional help, please contact eCommerce Support at 1-800-222-7926 (U.S.), 1-800-334-2445 (Canada), or 1-727-532-8850 (Latin America), Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Eastern time.
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