Please note:
When a new component product
is added to an existing CEO
Product Category, all
licensed customers of that
CEO Product Category who
have active Software
Subscription and Support
[may also be referred to as
Software Maintenance]
coverage are entitled to the
added component.
When a component product
is removed from an existing
CEO Product Category,
licensed customers of that
CEO Product Category may
continue to use the deleted
component product at either
the release/version level of
the component product at the
time of its deletion from
the CEO Product Category, or
the release/version that was
current at the time that the
customer's Software
Subscription and Support
coverage for the CEO Product
Category lapsed, whichever
is earlier. In either case,
the number of users of the
deleted component product
cannot be increased above
the level licensed at the
time of the deletion of the
component product from the
CEO Product Category.
When a component product
of an existing CEO Product
Category is replaced by
another product, all
licensed customers of that
CEO Product Category who
have active Software
Subscription and Support may
coverage at the time of the
replacement are entitled to
the replaced component.
Other important terms
apply to obtaining CEO
Product Categories,
including the requirement
that the first CEO Product
Category obtained for use by
a customer must be deployed
across the customer's entire
Enterprise, AND that it must
be obtained for at least the
minimum initial user
quantity shown. Please refer
to the IBM Passport
Advantage Agreement or the
IBM Passport Advantage
Express Agreement, as
applicable, for terms
concerning CEO Product