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Please note:

When a new component product is added to an existing CEO Product Category, all licensed customers of that CEO Product Category who have active Software Subscription and Support [may also be referred to as Software Maintenance] coverage are entitled to the added component.

When a component product is removed from an existing CEO Product Category, licensed customers of that CEO Product Category may continue to use the deleted component product at either the release/version level of the component product at the time of its deletion from the CEO Product Category, or the release/version that was current at the time that the customer's Software Subscription and Support coverage for the CEO Product Category lapsed, whichever is earlier. In either case, the number of users of the deleted component product cannot be increased above the level licensed at the time of the deletion of the component product from the CEO Product Category.

When a component product of an existing CEO Product Category is replaced by another product, all licensed customers of that CEO Product Category who have active Software Subscription and Support may coverage at the time of the replacement are entitled to the replaced component.

Other important terms apply to obtaining CEO Product Categories, including the requirement that the first CEO Product Category obtained for use by a customer must be deployed across the customer's entire Enterprise, AND that it must be obtained for at least the minimum initial user quantity shown. Please refer to the IBM Passport Advantage Agreement or the IBM Passport Advantage Express Agreement, as applicable, for terms concerning CEO Product Categories.


Product Categories


Updated: 06 March, 2009

The following table lists each existing Product Category, the software programs included within each category, and a brief description of the solution provided by that category. 


Product category Products included in bundle Solution Minimum Initial User Requirement
Business Collaboration Domino Everyplace

Lotus Workflow

Lotus Learning Management System

LearningSpace Virtual Classroom

EasySync Pro

Lotus Quickr

Lotus Sametime Standard

Domino Document Manager

Domino Enterprise Server

The most cost effective way to deploy and manage a wide range of collaborative business technologies. 100
Content Manager DB2 Content Manager Enterprise Edition

DB2 Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms (including PDF Indexer and Report Distribution)

DB2 Document Manager

DB2 Records Manager

DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino

DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server

DB2 CommonStore for SAP

Workplace Web Content Management

WebSphere MQ Workflow

DB2 ImagePlus Client Access for z/OS

Provides a world-class, cost effective solution for storage, management, and distribution of all types of digital content. The content is available for use throughout your organization and beyond to customers, suppliers, and business partners. 500
Content Manager Basic DB2 Content Manager Enterprise Edition

DB2 Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms (including PDF Indexer and Report Distribution)

DB2 CommonStore for Lotus Domino

DB2 CommonStore for Exchange Server

WebSphere MQ Workflow

Provides a core set of content management capabilities in an attractively priced option. 250
Lotus Communications Domino Messaging Server

Domino Enterprise Server

iNotes for Collaboration

iNotes for Messaging

Domino Designer

Lotus Notes for Collaboration

Lotus Notes for Messaging

Lotus Domino Web Mail

Lotus' leading messaging, groupware and collaboration clients and servers; accessed either through the Lotus Notes Clients or Web Browsers. 100
IBM DB2 for eBusiness DB2 Personal Edition

DB2 Workgroup Server Edition

DB2 Enterprise Server Edition

IBM Database Enterprise Developer Edition

DB2 Connect Personal Edition

DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition

DB2 Everyplaceâ„¢ Enterprise Edition

Provides the DB2 foundation for applications which give competitive advantage in Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management, Business to Business Commerce and Sales Force Automation. DB2 can be deployed as required to match your application requirements, which allows application developers and installers to select the best architecture for the application. This deployment can be across hardware platforms (including hand held devices such as PDAs), by the size of the working group (individual, departmental or enterprise), by application type (traditional, client server, web based), and can use the latest developments in Java and XML. 500
Enhanced Collaboration Lotus Sametime Standard

Lotus Quickr

Complements Notes/Domino with synchronous collaboration (awareness, communication, object sharing) and instant collaborative workspaces. Lotus Sametime Standard and Lotus Quickr form a foundation for enhanced collaborative solutions which are used pervasively in other Lotus products. 100
Messaging and Portal Domino Messaging Server

Domino Enterprise Server

iNotes for Collaboration

iNotes for Messaging

Domino Designer

Notes for Collaboration

Notes for Messaging

Lotus Domino Web Mail

WebSphere Portal Enable

Extend your messaging and collaborative application infrastructure plus benefit from WebSphere Portal, which is the leading Portal solution on the market today.


Working Together Domino Messaging Server

Domino Enterprise Server

iNotes for Collaboration

iNotes for Messaging

Domino Designer

Lotus Notes for Collaboration

Lotus Notes for Messaging

Lotus Domino Web Mail

Lotus SmartSuite

Complete desktop solution for personal and workgroup productivity and messaging as well as access to company resources through workgroups and client-server applications and Intranets. 100
Community Collaboration Lotus Quickr

Lotus Sametime Advanced

Lotus Connections

IBM Lotus CEO Community Collaboration Bundle combines the benefits of the latest releases of Lotus Connections, Lotus Sametime Advanced, and Lotus Quickr, offering your organization the most complete collaboration solution available at a great value. 100




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