How to Use Return Builder

You can access the Return Builder view from any Returns page by clicking the Returns screen at the top of the page, then the Return Builder view along the left side, and finally the Find Item button, or directly from the Returns Home screen, by clicking on the Return Builder View link found on the body of the page.

Important: Please be advised that the use of generic login IDs for multiple users may result in unexpected Return Cart values if more than one user is creating an RA request at the same time. Individual IDs are recommended for use with Returns Authorizations. Please see your Main Administrator for further information regarding your account.

To request authorization to return product to Tech Data follow these steps:

Step 1 - Select Item(s) Step 3 - Review
Step 2 - Edit Step 4 - Submit

Step 1 - Select Item(s)

  1. To search for invoiced items to add to the Return Cart, open the query view by clicking on the Find Item button or the New Return button.

    Note: Although both buttons will open the query view, the New Return button will clear out any unsubmitted items in the Return Cart. Use the Find Item button if you wish to add additional items to the Return Cart.

  2. In the Find Invoiced Items query, enter only one of the requested values (Invoice #, PO #, Serial #, Part # (Tech Data Part #) or Order #) and click Search.
  3. From the list of item(s) at the bottom of the screen, click on the Cart icon next to each item you wish to return. This will add the item to your Return Cart. NOTE: If the result of your query does not produce any items to select from, please recheck your number and try again.
    • To add more than one item to your Return Cart, repeat numbers 2) and 3) above.
    • To remove any items from your Return Cart, click on the Delete icon next to each item you wish to remove.
    • To verify the Product Return Guidelines for any item in your Return Cart, click on the hypertext part number link displayed under the Part # column.
  4. When finished, click the Step 2 button.
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Step 2 - Edit

The first item in your Return Cart will be displayed in the Return Line Detail. Complete the required details for this item by clicking the Edit button. Click the Save button when finished.

The following information is required on this screen:

If you have more than one line item in your Return Cart, navigate to each line for editing by clicking the >> (next) and << (previous) buttons.

If Serial Numbers appear at the bottom for any item in the Return Cart, you must select the Serial Number(s) from the left side column that matches each item. The number of records selected must equal the quantity you are returning.

When finished, click the Step 3 button.

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Step 3 - Review

Check the item(s) you wish to return to ensure accuracy.

To remove an item: click on the Delete icon next to the item.

To modify information on an item: click on the Edit icon next to the item to return to Step 2 - Edit above.

To add more items to your Return Cart: click on the Add Items button to return to Step 1 - Find Item above.

Note: Do not use your browser back button for this step as you may lose some of your data.

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Step 4 - Submit

When finished, click the Submit button. You will receive one of the following four response messages:

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