Service Requests screen

There are three views associated with the Service Requests screen:

  1. My Service Requests (Read Only):
    This view displays all the Service Requests that were created by Tech Data, as requested by you personally, to provide information or assistance with a product or service. A specific Service Request can be found by clicking the Find button and entering either the Service Request (SR) # or the Workgroup #.

  2. All Service Requests (Read Only):

    Similar to the previous view, this view displays all the Service Requests that were created by Tech Data to provide anyone in your company with information or assistance with a product or service. A specific Service Request can be found by clicking the Find button and entering either the Service Request (SR) #, the Workgroup #, or the name of the individual who initiated the request from your company.

  3. Recommended Products (Read Only):

    This view displays a list of products that have been recommended by Tech Data as a result of a Service Request. More than one product can be recommended per Service Request. A specific Service Request can be found by clicking the Find button and entering the Service Request (SR) #, the Workgroup #, or the name of the individual who initiated the request from your company.
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